- Dr. Suninder Singh Arora is a well-known Internal Medicine Specialist with 30+ years of experience.
- He holds expertise in the field of Internal Medicine, Pulmonology, Critical Care Medicine, etc.
- After completing graduate studies in 1986, he pursued MD in General Medicine from Aligarh Muslim University in 1989.
- He attained a fellowship of AARC (Chest), American Association for Respiratory Care, the USA in 1996 followed by a Diploma in Interventional Pulmonology from the University of Barcelona, Spain in 2002.
- In 2014, he achieved a fellowship in Critical Care from the College of Critical Care of ISCCM, India.
- He has been honored with several awards, honors, and scholarships.
- He has been associated with various organizations.
- He has also participated in several conferences and delivered lectures.
- He has several papers published in national and international journals.
Dr. Suninder Singh Arora
- Internal Medicine
- Consultant , MBBS, MD, Fellowship, Diploma, Fellowship, 30 years of experience
- BLK-Max Super Speciality Hospital, Pusa Road
- Delhi

Dr. Suninder Singh Arora
- Internal Medicine
- Consultant , MBBS, MD, Fellowship, Diploma, Fellowship, 30 years of experience
- BLK-Max Super Speciality Hospital, Pusa Road
- Delhi
Profile (Overview)
Work Experience of Dr. Suninder Singh Arora
- Senior Resident, Batra Hospital & Medical Research Centre, New Delhi, 1991
- Senior Resident, Batra Hospital & Medical Research Centre, New Delhi, 1992
- Consultant, Batra Hospital & Medical Research Centre, New Delhi, 1995
- Senior Consultant, Batra Hospital & Medical Research Centre, New Delhi, 2013
- Co-Director, MICU & Incharge of Sleep Lab, and Bronchoscopy Suit, 2014
- MBBS, 1986, Aligarh Muslim University
- MD, 1989, General Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University
- Fellowship, 1996, Fellowship of AARC (Chest), American Association for Respiratory Care, USA
- Diploma, 2002, Diploma (Interventional Pulmonology), University of Barcelona, Spain
- Fellowship, 2014, Fellowship of Critical (Critical Care), College of Critical Care of ISCCM, India
- 1992, Bronchoscopy Training, AIIMS, New Delhi, India
- 2002, Advanced Training in Sleep Medicine, Melbourne, Australia
- Sleep and Sleep Diagnostics, Malaysian Thoracic Society, Malaysia
- International Fellow of American Association for Respiratory Care, FAARC.
- Honorary Fellow of Indian Association for Bronchology, FIAB, India.
- Honorary Fellow of Critical Care Medicine, FCCM, India.
- WHO expert on “Global Safety and Transfusion Practices in the World”.
Paper Published
- Renal Functional Changes in Malaria, Original Publication as a thesis for the award of MD degree, 1988
- “Cefaclor in the management of