- Dr. Anoop Kr Gupta is a renowned Infertility specialist in Delhi.
- With decades of experience, he has successfully delivered 10000+ ART Babies till March 2016.
- Dr. Gupta has attended training course on infertility & blastocyst culture in Singapore, a special 2 months training course on ICSI in Liverpool women hospital UK in & multiple fellowship in US and Australia.
A - He is famed for delivering first millennium test tube baby in 2000 and also to deliver IVF triples to a 64 years old female.
- Dr. Gupta has pioneered in delivering IVF Baby through Blastocyst Transfer.
- He has more than 100 publications in different Newspapers Magazines in his credit.
Dr. Anoop Kr Gupta
- Infertility Specialist
- Director , MBBS, 24 years of experience
- Delhi IVF and Fertility Centre, Todar Mal Lane
- Delhi, India

Dr. Anoop Kr Gupta
- Infertility Specialist
- Director , MBBS, 24 years of experience
- Delhi IVF and Fertility Centre, Todar Mal Lane
- Delhi, India
Profile (Overview)
- ART Management & IUI,
- All related ART procedures.
Work Experience of Dr. Anoop Kr Gupta
- Associate Director, Stem cell Medicare
- Director, Delhi IVF Fertility Research Centre