VSD Closure / Repair (Adult) in India starts from $4900. The total cost of the treatment depends on the diagnosis and facilities opted by the patient.
Holes in the heart are considered to be congenital heart diseases or defects. These are considered to be a problem in the structure formation of the heart right at the time when a foetus is deriving its nutrition in the womb. With latest procedural technologies these problems can be mended right after birth. The holes in the heart disrupt the normal blood through the heart thus causing a general problem in blood circulation in the entire body.
About VSD Closure / Repair (Adult)
In order to understand the holes in heart we must briefly understand the working of the heart. The heart works like a pump beating on an average of 100,000 times in a day. It has two sides which is divided by a wall called septum. The right side of the valve pumps blood to the lungs and picks up oxygen. The oxygen rich blood then returns to the left side of the heart from the lungs and then the left side pumps it to the rest of the body.
These two sides are divided into 4 chambers having four valves connecting them to various blood vessels. For carrying blood from the body to the heart, veins are responsible while arteries carry the blood away from the heart to be circulated to the body. The atria are two upper chambers that collect blood while ventricles are the two lower chambers pumping the blood to the lungs and other parts of the body.
The valves act like doors allowing flow of blood through the next chamber to arteries and then they close to keep the blood from again returning back to the previous chamber from where it came. In a systolic contraction ventricle pump blood from the heart and in a diastolic contraction the ventricles relax to receive blood pumped by the atria while aortic and pulmonary valves close at the beginning of the diastole to prevent the chances of backflow.